Saint-Jacques (brassin 04-11-2005)

alcool: 10%
Type: Belgian Quadruple inspiration
Particularity: A very long maturation beer, brewed with François St-Jacques
Eyes: Dark brown
Nose: Barley sugar, toffee, caramel, alcohol
Taste: Sweet caramel, toffee, smooth with a good presence of alcohol and bitterness that arouses one’s taste buds[/beer]

This beer was created on November 4th, 2005.
It is composed of nine varieties of cereals
and three varieties of hops.

François St-Jacques is the winner of the contest x/1000.
¨Bedondaine & Bedons Ronds¨ was offering the winner of the 5th edition the brewing of the beer winning the freestyle category. (Held on August 3rd 2005)

François has been invited to co-brew this beer and for the occasion, the recipe was slightly modified to be adapted to my own brewing system.

Some good candy!