Monica La Mitraille

alcool: 6%
Type: The "apprentice-brewer" inspiration
Particularity: Brewed by our waitress Monica
Eyes: Blonde ale
Nose: Alcohol, hop, malt, yeast
Taste: Alcohol, followed by hop, velvety and refreshing beer evoking citrus fragrances and malts[/beer]

This beer is the 2nd in a series of “apprentices-brewers” of our waitresses and servers. All members of the team were invited to let themselves being inspired by a style of beer or specific aromas. Each and everyone have the privilege to brew its beer from A to Z with the brewer who has specially developed a recipe that will bear the apprentice’s name.

This beer was created on January 16th, 2006. It is composed of four varieties of cereals and one of hop. Tasting it is adopting it!