Peanut Stout, tu l’Em-tu?

Peanut Stout, tu l’Em-tu?

Émilie, high priestess of democracy, hates putting anyone aside. She even shed a few little hop tears knowing that those allergic to peanuts will have to do without her beer. But his enormous penchant for the irreverent peanut-chocolate mix won...

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Devoir Accompli

Devoir Accompli

It is time to recognize this good feeling, this satisfaction of a duty accomplished that fills us with energy and propels us forward. Congratulate yourself for doing what needed to be done ! Be proud of yourself !

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Sirop Bourgault

Sirop Bourgault

Alcohol: 8% Type: «Robust Stout» inspiration Eyes: Black Nose: Roasted malt, hops, alcohol Taste: Intense taste of roasted malts, black coffee, bitter chocolate, hops with firmness and a virile aftertaste. Cereals Two-row malt Munich malt Black...

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