

Despite its innocent look proper of blonde ale, be aware that if you insist just a little bit too much to dip your lips in its nectar, not only will it let itself being swallowed but it will make your taste buds quiver with joy

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Alcohol: 7% Type: «Ginger Beer» inspiration Eyes: Pale amber Nose: Ginger Taste: Ginger, slightly spicy with a lemon twist, refreshing, good balance between malts, ginger and alcohol Particularity: Aphrodisiac beer, brewed with the addition of...

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La Sucette

La Sucette

Alcool: 8 % Type: Sugaring season inspiration Eyes: Maple syrup color Nose: Alcohol, maple, malt Taste: Good alcohol presence, unctuous, subtle maple taste, nice balance between its sweet and alcoholic side Particularity: Maple syrup fermented...

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La Bariteau

La Bariteau

This beer is named in honor of an ancestor of my wife; Louis Bariteau dit Lamarche, who arrived in New France on June 19th 1665. He was a soldier in the Company of Sieur de Chambly, in the Carignan regiment.

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Le Bedon

Le Bedon

It has nothing to do with industrial dark beers with its roasted malts, coffee and chocolate aromas, with a bitterness balanced by the presence of oats, mellow. Initiate yourself to ‘Stout’ type beers!

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