Alcohol: 6%
Type: ” Chocolate Peanut Stout ” inspiration
Eyes: black
Nose: peanut, cocoa, roasted malts
Taste: good peanut taste accompanied malt and cocoa with a roasted aftertaste
Particularity: * allergies : brewed with real peanuts
This beer is part of the waiters’ and waitresses’ apprentice brewer series and it was brewed with Émilie. Every member of our working team was invited to let themselves be inspired by a style of beer or specific aromas. Each and everyone have the privilege to name and brew his or her beer from A to Z with the brewer who has developed a special recipe.
Beer created on: October 16, 2024
Émilie, high priestess of democracy, hates putting anyone aside. She even shed a few little hop tears knowing that those allergic to peanuts will have to do without her beer. But his enormous penchant for the irreverent peanut-chocolate mix won out in the tug-of-war of decisions. For everyone else who tastes it, you can be sure that she will serve it to you with the biggest question mark looks: « Pis not’ stout, tu l’aimes-tu? »