
alcool: 6%
Type: Annedd’ale project participation
Particularity: Brewed with the young shoots of the Spring Balsam fir, directly harvested from the tree with the yeast collected at the Vaults Jean Talon in Quebec city.
Eyes: Amber with hints of green
Nose: Fir
Taste: Fir, well rounded, and softness of the malts structurally by alcohol [/beer]

This beer was created on May 11th, 2011. It is composed of five varieties of cereals, a variety of hop and flavored with 25 pounds of balsam fir shoots.

The Annedd’ale project consists of the creation of a typical Quebec new style of beer by a grouping of several breweries and partners.

The annedda (tree of life) is the name of the tree that saved the sailors og Jacques Cartier’s crew from scurvy in February 1563 during the first winther at Stadacona.